Thinking Neutrinos

Christine Sander
2 min readApr 6, 2021

… from Jakob Lorber: The Gospel of John, Volume 8, Chapter 29, Verse 1

So lange der Mensch mit sich selbst — wegen der Gewinnung seiner Lebensselbstständigkeit — zu tun hat, ahnt er kaum, dass er von lauter Leben und höchster Lebensintelligenz umgeben, und dem Leibe nach auch durchdrungen ist, ohne dessen er eigentlich garnicht da wäre.

As long as a human being — for the purpose of gaining autonomy for his life — is fully occupied, he has no sense of being encompassed by multiple life and supreme intelligence — which also permeate his body — without which he actually would not even be.

Wenn er aber nach dem ihm geoffenbarten Willen Gottes mit sich selbst fertig geworden ist, indem sein innerster Geist ihn ganz durchdrungen hat, da tritt der ganze Mensch dann auch in den freien Verband mit dem höchsten Leben und dessen lichtester Intelligenz in der allgemeinsten Unendlichkeit Gottes, ohne dabei sein Selbstisches und Persönliches zu verlieren.

However, when he has managed himself according to the will of God revealed in him — and because his spirit has fully permeated him — then, as a completed human being, he enters freely into union with life on high and its lightest intelligence in God’s most public eternity, without loosing himself nor his personality.


This portion of text has been translated before. Somehow, in the light of speedily advancing knowledge it seems useful to rethink and update some of these translation, so here we go…

As ususal questions remain. Here for instance the use of the term permeate in both sentences. Looks to me that it first refers to the body… i.e. Neutrinos, by the millions flow everywhere in and through the universe and each manifestation of matter… Second it refers to the spirit, which takes hold of soul and body… in the realm of the spirit… and sets the human free for eternity… without the loss of self and person…

Regards, Christine

